Atlas to develop Newfoundland’s Great Atlantic Salt deposit
The GAS project, which is set to initially produce up to 2.5 million tons of rock salt annually, represents North America’s first new salt mine in nearly three decades.
The GAS project, which is set to initially produce up to 2.5 million tons of rock salt annually, represents North America’s first new salt mine in nearly three decades.
Equinox Gold’s (TSX: EQX) (NYSE American: EQX) Greenstone mine has officially reached commercial production following the operating progress it achieved through October, […]
Australia-based Newcrest Mining (ASX: NCM; TSX: NCM; PNGX: NCM) is building critical mass in Canada with the second significant acquisition announced as […]
The PureGold mine, milling facilities, and other critical systems are now all operating in line with or rapidly approaching design capacity of 800 tonnes of ore per day.