Executives need to be more honest
Back in the “Nasty 90s” when mineral exploration jobs were so scarce, only the very highly qualified secured work. Since 1974, I’ve been to many locations and endured all of the usual pitfalls. I feel that there will always be a shortage of good explorationists for several reasons.
Too many of the positions rely heavily on term-to-term financing, and work can end without notice too often for too many good people. The treatment of field personnel by mining executives is usually most deplorable. Regarding mining executives, they often do not keep their word about anything and there are still too many dishonest types out there. For the above reason, a lot of field people and consultants do not get paid or wait forever to receive payment for services rendered.
So, I am not one who would suggest mining as a career for any young person these days, and I can thank the Good Lord that my son has aspired to a better calling than I have.
George C. Sharpe, limited member (Geoscience) Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of Saskatchewan Regina, SK