Kinross, U of Guelph establish Canada-Brazil network
The University of Guelph in southern Ontario and Toronto-based Kinross Gold Corp. have created a new education and research network between Canada and Brazil. The purpose is to develop environmental initiatives focused on the use and remediation of land and water. Kinross is providing approximately $1 million in funding and in-kind logistical support over a three-year period to help establish the KINROSS CANADA-BRAZIL NETWORK FOR ADVANCED EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.
Co-ordinated by the University of Guelph, the network will involve university, government and private-sector partners in Canada and Brazil and provide opportunities for international collaboration and multidisciplinary research activities. The network’s major focus will be working with mineral industries on resource management initiatives, with the goal of minimizing environmental impacts, using natural resources more effectively and developing comprehensive strategies for rehabilitating disturbed lands.
The network will explore novel methods to improve soil quality, such as processing mine wastes to use as fertilizer or soil conditioner. Researchers will also investigate ways to adapt vegetation to grow on disturbed lands in order to improve soil and water quality, and potentially provide biofuel feedstock.
Richard Heck, a University of Guelph land resource science professor who helped create and will oversee the network, said students will be provided with valuable teaching and learning experiences. Prof. Heck can be contacted at 519-824-4120 ext 52450 or