People (August 01, 2007)
Vancouver-based AuEx Ventures has appointed Richard Bedell as executive vice-president and as president of AuEx’s subsidiary company in Argentina. This change in title for Bedell from vice-president of AuEx better reflects his role and responsibilities in the company.
George Bee will join Toronto-based Aurelian Resources as COO effective Aug. 1. Bee was most recently director, technical projects for Barrick Gold, where he held a range of senior operational roles since 1989.
Avalon Ventures of Toronto has appointed Dr. William Mercer to the position of vice-president exploration. A former employee of Xstrata, Falconbridge and Noranda, he was president of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada from 2000 to 2002.
Brazilian Diamonds of Vancouver has appointed Homero Braz Silva as president effective July 16. Silva is a geologist with more than 30 years of experience in diamond exploration with De Beers in South America, Canada, Africa and Russia, and was until recently the operations manager for De Beers in South America.
Paul A. Korpi has accepted the role of vice-president and COO at Toronto-based Centerra Gold. He joined Centerra in 2004 as vice-president operations at the Boroo gold mine. He replaces George R. Burns who is leaving the company.
Vancouver-headquartered Condor Resources has chosen a new vice-president exploration, Ever Marquez. He formerly worked for Newmont Peru.
Contact Exploration of Calgary has named Darcy Spady its new president and CEO. The company also named Terry Brown its vice-president engineering and operations and Edwin MacDonald as vice-president exploration.
Toronto’s Equinox Minerals has named Peter Tomsett as non-executive chairman. He was president and CEO of Placer Dome until that company was taken over by Barrick Gold in January 2006.
Vancouver-based Exeter Resource Corp. has engaged Paul Cholakos as its COO. He will be initially based in Argentina.
Shareholders of Fieldex Exploration of Rouyn-Noranda, Que., have elected Jean-Pierre Landry to the board. A graduate of McGill University, he is construction manager for Goldcorp’s Elonore project.
Fnx Mining of Toronto has promoted two individuals in its exploration group. Gord Morrison becomes senior vice-president corporate development and Catharine Farrow has been named vice-president exploration.
Forest Gate Resources of Montreal has separated the roles of chairman and CEO, making the following changes. Former president, chairman and CEO Michael Judson is now the president and CEO. Peter D. Watson, who is also chairman of Blue Note Mining, becomes Forest Gate’s new chairman, as well.
Halifax-based Gammon Gold has appointed Roberto Diaz as president of Mexican operations, responsible for Gammon’s Mexican operations, which include the Ocampo and El Cubo mining operations, and the future development property at Guadalupe y Calvo.
Leon C. Botham, who directs Golder Associates’ Canadian mining activities as an associate, has been elected chairman of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada (ACEC). The ACEC represents the consulting engineering industry to the federal government.
Kevin Drover, former president and COO, has been tapped as the new president and CEO of Gold Hawk Resources in Vancouver. He has been with the company since July 2006.
Dr. David Bailey has signed on with GWR Resources of Vancouver to oversee the exploration of the Lac La Hache project.
Metalcorp of Thunder Bay, Ont., has named Naomi Nemeth an independent director. She is presently vice-president of investor relations for African Copper, and before that she held the same position at Wolfden Resources until it was acquired by Zinifex, and at Desert Sun Mining until it was taken over by Yamana Gold last year.
Warren Bates has joined Toronto-based Pelangio Mines as its vice-president exploration. Most recently he held the same position at St Andrew Goldfields.
Paul Conibear has joined the board of directors of Vancouver-based Sanu Resources and has been appointed chairman. John Lucking has concurrently resigned from the board. Wanda Lee has been appointed CFO, replacing David Miles. Kim Casswell will be resigning as corporate secretary.
Vancouver’s Solex Resources has appointed Anthony Wood as COO. He will retain his duties as CFO until the company can find a replacement.
John Paterson has resigned his position as president and CEO of Vancouver’s Southwestern Resources.