Sustainability news (October 01, 2007)
Eastmain left out
I notice a very nice two-page spread illustrating gold projects and deposits across Canada [“What’s Hot in Gold”, CMJ June 2007]. I also note that our two gold deposits–Eau Claire (310,000 ounces indicated and 680,000 ounces inferred) and Eastmain gold mine (255,750 ounces measured and indicated)–are noticeably absent. Both projects are active and both have a solid possibility of becoming future producers. These deposits are certainly in the same class as many of the projects illustrated.
It gets tiring being left out due to subjective reporting.
Donald J. Robinson, president
Eastmain Resources Inc.
Orangeville, Ont.
Our “What’s Hot…” departments in issues this year are an attempt to highlight major Canadian exploration projects that are releasing positive results. We regret leaving off any important ones, but there are currently hundreds of them and we can’t fit them all on our maps. – Ed