ALUMINA DEWATERING – GL&V Wins Chinese Contracts

CHINA - GROUPE LAPERRIERE & VERREAULT (GL&V) of Montreal reports that its DORR-OLIVER EIMCO process group was recen...
CHINA - GROUPE LAPERRIERE & VERREAULT (GL&V) of Montreal reports that its DORR-OLIVER EIMCO process group was recently awarded two new large-scale contracts worth a total of $16.3 million for alumina and lube oil refineries in China.

Between now and August 2005, GL&V will deliver a series of filters and thickeners as part of the expansion of an alumina refinery, which is based in Zhengzhou and owned by ALUMINUM CORP. OF CHINA (CHALCO), one of the most important alumina producers worldwide and the largest in China, where it operates numerous alumina and aluminum production facilities across the country. GL&V has served this major customer for several years, having notably finalized in recent months another large-scale contract for its alumina refinery based in Shanxi.

GL&V will also supply several zero-emission crude oil dewaxing units and related equipment to a lubrication oil refinery in Fushun.

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