ALUMINA EXPLORATION Grand plans for Grande-Valle

QUEBEC Montreal-based EXPLORATION ORBITE VSPA has an ambitious plan for the development of its alumina clay prope...



QUEBEC Montreal-based EXPLORATION ORBITE VSPA has an ambitious plan for the development of its alumina clay property located in Gaspesia, near the former copper mining and smelting centre of Murdochville. The area of interest has an estimated 16 million m of alumina clay at the surface.

Orbite has chosen a three-part plan. First, samples have been submitted for characterization of the clay. The report containing recommendations for exploration at Grande-Valle is expected in the next few weeks. Second, Orbite has commissioned a laboratory study of an alumina extraction process. When the process is finalized, the company plans to build an optimized prototype processing plant. Third, a marketing plan for specialty alumina and value-added products will be created. The opto-electronic sector, worth over $200 billion and growing at an annual rate of 17.9%, will be a prime target.

More information about alumina is available at in both French and English.


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