AUSTRALIA - Mining contractor Redpath Australia is shining a much needed spotlight on breast cancer awareness this year by, for the first time, taking a bright pink excavator and pink work wear to BHP Billiton’s Cannington mine in the hope of raising significant funds for research into the disease.
With generous employees more than happy to get into the spirit of things and support the cause, Redpath and BHP Billiton have broken away from the traditionally male dominated image of mining and formed an exciting new partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).
Redpath has volunteered to donate A$10 for every hour that the pink excavator is at work on the North West Queensland silver mine throughout 2013, with BHP Billiton contributing A$10,000 to the initiative.
The employees are also getting involved, with any worker who donates A$50 given a pink hard hat and work shirt to wear on site, and Redpath Australia’s marketing manager, Rhiannon Vines, says the response has been phenomenal.
“Initially we weren’t sure how enthusiastic our workers would be about wearing bright pink to work, but they have been incredibly supportive, with many volunteering and getting involved,” she said.
“We don’t want the real message of research and early diagnosis to be lost amongst all the pink,” says Vines. “To ensure that our staff in these remote communities get the facts, Redpath will be supplying information packs, which can then be passed on to partners and loved ones, and hopefully will contribute to saving a life.”
Redpath employees are already planning several fundraising initiatives of their own throughout the year, from barbecues to family fun days, as a personal contribution to the foundation, while Vines says Redpath also has more plans to unveil.
If CMJ's readers in Australia would like to donate to breast cancer research in that country, please visit the Redpath/BHP Billiton donations page on the NBCF website at
Kathy Chapman
Women In Mining Toronto Branch salutes the efforts of Redpath/BHP Billiton towards this very worthy cause. Our group here in Toronto, Canada has raised over C$450,000 to support breast cancer research at The Princess Margaret Hospital. Believe us when we say that every dollar does make a difference. We are proud to be part of this important cancer research and thank Redpath for joining in the fight.
Kathy Chapman
Co-Chair Women In Mining Toronto Branch