BASE METAL PROCESSING – First stage of Mount Isa mill expansion complete

AUSTRALIA - The first stage of an expansion program at the Mount Isa zinc concentrator has been successfully comple...
AUSTRALIA - The first stage of an expansion program at the Mount Isa zinc concentrator has been successfully completed, reported owner XSTRATA of Switzerland. Work on the old plant included installation of a new crushing circuit and ore feed system, commissioning of a new zinc filtration plant, and creation of a better maintenance program with emphasis on the heavy media plant. A parallel second-hand milling and flotation circuit was also added.

The annual throughput of the mill now stands at 6.5 million tonnes, a 40% increase over the feed rate of the first nine months of 2006. Throughput will be further increased to 8.0 million tonnes/year when the second stage of expansion is completed in 2008.

Xstrata maintains its website at


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