TORONTO - CAMESE (the Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export) is seeking a slate of directors to serve a two-year term. Each year new directors are sought to replace those stepping down at the end of their mandatory two-term appointment.
Jim Laroche, a CAMESE director, of Terex Reedrill is the chair of this year's nominating committee. Assisting him are non-directors Ray Perks (publisher of CMJ) and Darryl Lake (of Norcat).
Anyone interested in serving as a CAMESE director is invited to contact secretary Jon Baird at 905-513-0046, ext. 302 or He will relay your interests to the nominating committee for their consideration.
The current 10-member CAMESE Board of Directors comprises: Melinda Donnelly, marketing director of U-Nova Hose; Alain Dumont, president of Montali Inc.; Jim Laroche, operations manager of Terex Reedrill; Ross Lawrence, vice-chairman of Watts, Griffis and McOuat; Michael Mackwood, president of Mackwood Mine Services; Peter Marinigh, president of Heath & Sherwood; Greg Romain, president of Norcast; Jean Richardson, sales & marketing executive of SGS Lakefield Research; David Smith, sales manager of Dynatec; and Harold Wyslouzil, president of Canadian Process Technologies.