TORONTO - The PROSPECTORS AND DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA is seeking the help of CMJ readers to locate informa...


TORONTO - The PROSPECTORS AND DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA is seeking the help of CMJ readers to locate information products about career opportunities in mining. Specifically, the PDAC is completing a national inventory of Canadian classroom material intended to raise awareness of the mining sector and the diversity of career options that it offers to young people.

Career information materials come in many different forms. They may be in print, video, DVD, CD-ROM, websites, etc. If you have knowledge of Canadian mining career materials currently available or under development, please contact Laura Clinton of PDAC Mining Matters at 416-362-1969 ext. 228 or

The information will be used for the Career Information Project initiated in response to the growing concern over the mining sector's limited ability to recruit sufficient numbers of new entrants and, more importantly, replace the high proportion of skilled and experienced workers who will be eligible to retire within the next 10 years. This list will be made available to help guide contractors developing career information products for the project and may also be useful for educators wishing to find additional resources. The inventory will also form the basis of a gap analysis that will determine areas of inadequate coverage in career information for the sector.


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