BRITISH COLUMBIA IMPERIAL METALS continues to receive high grades from its 100%-owned Mount Polley property near Williams Lake. The latest assay returned 0.83% Cu, 0.25 g/t Au and 6.20 g/t Ag over 250 metres from hole WB04-99. The hole was drilled in the recently discovered northern extension of the Northeast zone.
And there is more good news from Mount Polley. Drilling in the southern end of the Northeast zone yielded 170.1 metres grading 1.48% Cu, 0.43 g/t Au and 11.51 g/t Ag from hole WB04-95. Ore-to-waste ratios in the currently designed Wight pit were improved by the results of hole WB04-96 which intercepted 37.80 metres grading 0.33% Cu, 0.14 g/t Au and 1.68 g/t Ag near surface in an area within the pit that was previously modeled as waste.
Imperial says drilling continues to test the northern lateral and depth extent of the Northeast zone. Visit for a table of assay results to date and the drill plan.
The Mount Polley mine was commissioned in 1997 and idled in 2001 due to low metal prices. It produced 133 million lb of copper and 370,000 oz of gold from 27.7 million tonnes of ore mined from the Cariboo and Bell pits. At that time there remained an estimated 31.9 million tonnes grading 0.36% Cu and 0.34 g/t Au in the Bell and the yet unmined Springer deposit. The promising results from the Northeast zone brings Imperial one step closer to restarting the operation.