DIAMOND DISCOVERY – Rockwell recovers 152-ct beauty

SOUTH AFRICA - Vancouver's ROCKWELL VENTURES, which is gaining interests in four South African diamond properties, ...
This 152.11-ct diamond recovered from the Wouterspan operations in South Africa was recently sold for US$4.4 million.





SOUTH AFRICA - Vancouver's ROCKWELL VENTURES, which is gaining interests in four South African diamond properties, announced that it has sold the 152.11-ct, D-colour diamond that was recovered from the Wouterspan operations in early September. The stone was sold by sealed tender for US$4.4 million, or a phenomenal US$29,123 per carat.

A total of 1,229 carats were recovered from Wouterspan in September. Excluding the 152-ct stone, the other diamonds were sold for US$2.8 million or approximately US$2,273 per carat. More information is posted at www.RockwellVentures.com.


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