DIAMOND EXPLORATION NEWS Eleven Pipes Found at Churchill Project

RANKIN INLET, Nunavut Eleven kimberlite pipes have been discovered so far at the Churchill project belonging to S...


RANKIN INLET, Nunavut Eleven kimberlite pipes have been discovered so far at the Churchill project belonging to STORNOWAY DIAMOND CORP. (35%), BHP BILLITON (14%) and SHEAR MINERALS (51%). The finds result from a six-week, 1,275-m drill program that tested 15 targets in a 600-sq-km area. Each of the pipes is associated with a prominent circular magnetic high or low signature ranging from 100 to 400 m in diameter and was tested with one or two vertical drill holes. Two anomalies were tested with a second drill hole in order to obtain the optimum sample size for diamond analysis. Kimberlite intercepts ranged from 4 to 94 m and a total of about 1,000 kg of material has been collected for diamond analysis.

A property-wide kimberlitic indicator mineral sampling program was initiated in early July and 526 samples have been collected to-date. In addition, regional airborne magnetic surveys have commenced over previously-untested portions of the property. The success of the first phase drilling campaign combined with a growing list of priority drill-ready ground magnetic targets may result in an expansion of the 2003 program to include a second phase of drilling later this summer. The 2003 field program is under the supervision of Dean Besserer, P.Geol. of APEX Geoscience Ltd.

Learn more about the Churchill diamond project at either www.stornowaydiamonds.com or www.shearrminerals.com.


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