DIAMOND STUDY: Estimated 24-40M ct at Aviat

NUNAVUT The results of a conceptual study completed by SRK CONSULTING for the Eastern Sheet Complex (ESC) of the ...
NUNAVUT The results of a conceptual study completed by SRK CONSULTING for the Eastern Sheet Complex (ESC) of the Aviat diamond project point toward between 24.1 million and 40.3 million ct of diamonds in the ground. The Aviat project, located on the Melville Peninsula, is owned by STORNOWAY DIAMOND CORP. (90%) and the HUNTER EXPLORATION GROUP (10%).

Stornoway is quick to remind readers that this the conceptual study is not 43-101-compliant. Nonetheless, the kimberlite material probably totals 12.4 million to 16.0 million tonnes, with 78% of the total volume occurring in dyke ES1 which covers 260 ha. Assuming 100% recovery of stones in all size fraction, the grade might be 235 carats per hundred tonnes (cpht).

Kimberlite dykes of the ESC comprise a series of stacked, subparallel, shallowly dipping sheets that cover an area of approximately 260 ha and are composed of macrocrystic, hypabyssal kimberlite and kimberlite breccia assumed to represent a single phase of kimberlite magma, according to Stornoway. The conceptual geological model developed by SRK consists of four distinct dyke horizons, the largest of which, ES1, is interpreted to extend continuously from the original AV6 surface discovery southeast to the original AV8 discovery, average 1.7 metres true thickness and underlie the entire 260 hectare area. One of the three other distinct dykes modelled by this study, ES2 (1.3. metres average thickness), is a hanging wall dyke situated 10-20 metres above the northwest part of ES1. The two other bodies, ES3 (1.3 metres thick) and ES4 (0.9 metre thick), are stacked footwall dykes situated 10 and 20 metres, respectively, below the southeast extent of ES1.

Photos from the 2007 exploration season are available at www.StornowayDiamonds.com. The final picture in the gallery (No.17) is stunning.


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