DOING SOME DIGGING A Season of Hope and Light

The year is drawing to a close and we at CMJ are preparing to celebrate a season of hope, light and renewal. We hop...


The year is drawing to a close and we at CMJ are preparing to celebrate a season of hope, light and renewal. We hope this finds all our readers and their families happy and healthy. As relatives and friends gather, we urge you to put aside differences and spread good will to all. We welcome the lengthening days, even though they don't seem much lighter yet. Winter offers snow for recreation and shovelling, trips to sunnier climes, and evenings by the fireplace. We look forward to renewal as the seasons run their course and spring will eventually bring freshness and restored energy. We will enjoy visiting, probably overeat at some point, rest a bit, and count our blessings.

The Canadian Mining Journal staff wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HANUKKAH! We salute all family-oriented observances from CHINESE NEW YEAR to EID UL FITR and more. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all, whenever you celebrate.

And we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR bringing peace, individually to our readers and collectively to the World. May we all return to our duties refreshed and with renewed optimism.


Marilyn Scales (Field and Net News Editor)
Ray Perks (Publisher)
Jane Werniuk (Editor)
Steve Dawson (Interim Editor)
David Young (Art Director)
Vic Buklis (Inside Sales)
Cindi Holder (Circulation Manager)
Irene Fu (Web Master)


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