Here we are going into the biggest holiday season of the year. Greetings and Best Wishes to all our readers.
But if you are reading this, chances are you have to work through the holidays while most people are taking a break. Thank you for your dedication. A few extra bucks in the pay envelope is your reward, but wouldn't you rather be home with the smell of turkey, wrapping paper all over the place, kids testing all the new toys at once, and even the in-laws?
You don't have to be Christian to look forward to Christmas as the year draws to a close. Winter is settling in across the land, and it will be months before we can look forward to summer vacations. This is a time to pause and reflect, a time to catch our collective breath before facing the dreary weather ahead. At the same time the concentrators need attention, the pumps have to keep working, and the smelters have to stay hot. Thanks to all who undertake these mundane tasks during the festive season.
The Canadian Mining Journal staff wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HANUKKAH! We salute all family-oriented observances from CHINESE NEW YEAR to EID UL FITR and more. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all, whenever you celebrate.
Marilyn Scales (field and Net News editor)
Ray Perks (publisher)
Jane Werniuk (editor)
Vic Buklis (inside sales)
Irene Fu (web master)