DOING SOME DIGGING Through the Moving Boxes, Slowly

Good-bye suburbs. Hello country living! The CMJ field office and Scales household have decamped to the shores of th...


Good-bye suburbs. Hello country living! The CMJ field office and Scales household have decamped to the shores of the Ottawa River. The view is to die for. We enjoy a sweeping panorama of Constance Bay and the lovely Gatineau Hills. The weather rolls along the valley and changes almost hourly. I have a wonderful sense of being connected to the natural world. The million-dollar view makes all the hassle and stress of moving worthwhile.

We are now the proud operators of a small, privately-owned, gravity-fed wastewater treatment facility, a.k.a. septic system. It was with some trepidation that we acquired this contraption. But a little research, advice from friends, and seeing the whole thing dug up last summer took the mystery out of it.

Water pressure is another convenience we left behind in the 'burbs. Our home is equipped with a sand point pump, something I'd not heard of before. My Other Half is still trying to figure out which shower will adequately soak him in the morning. And when the washing machine is filling up, the water disappears from the kitchen faucet. There may be a well in our future.

No.1 Son was least in favour of this move. He thought we had certainly taken him to the ends of the earth. However, with his new drivers license and trusty (though modest) car, he is driving to the same school he has attended for the last three years. Thank goodness he didn't have to make that change.

All of the above, if readers will forgive the personal note, is a long way of saying I have a new address and contact numbers. Please note:

Marilyn Scales, Field Editor, CMJ
396 Bayview Drive
Woodlawn, ON K0A 3M0

Phone: 613-832-9087
Fax: 613-832-9079

So here I am with my computer propped on moving boxes (not all of which are empty). I have a new desk coming, and that is something to look forward to. Isn't there an old saying that "A change is as good as a rest"? Well, we have changed, and I am rested.


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