Eira Thomas takes the reins at Lucara

Lightning has struck more than once so far in Eira Thomas’s career of more than 25 years. The geologist famously spotted a […]
Lightning has struck more than once so far in Eira Thomas’s career of more than 25 years. The geologist famously spotted a nearly 2-carat diamond in drill core – an incredibly rare occurrence – during exploration at Lac de Gras in 1994, at what would become the Diavik mine in the Northwest Territories. And as a founder and director of Lucara Diamond (TSX: LUC), she was part of the leadership when the company unearthed a 1,109-carat stone – the second largest diamond in history – at its Karowe mine in Botswana in November 2015. “I’ve been very fortunate,” said Thomas in an interview in May. “Those were obviously two exciting milestones for me in my career, but I think with each and every project that I’ve worked on there’ve been those moments.” While those moments have not always been so dramatic, they have been extremely satisfying and meaningful, she adds. Continue reading at The Northern Miner.


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