TORONTO, Ontario PLACER DOME CANADA is installing Envision energy-management software from Ontario Power Generation (OPG). It will be running at the Dome and Musselwhite gold mines by early spring, 2004. Placer Dome installed its first Envision system at the Campbell gold mine in 1999.
Envision creates a 360-degree view of all energy and utilities use at a site. The software enables decision-makers to view data, according to specific business rules used to present information throughout the organization. This capability ensures that all company decision-makers have mission-critical energy- and utilities-related information delivered to their desktops in a consistent format, says OPG.
Envision collects, monitors, analyzes, and manages data from utility meters for the purpose of generating information about the consumption of energy by commercial and industrial operations. If it's metered, it can be monitored. Envision makes it possible for consumption data for electricity, natural gas, water, compressed air, steam, and nitrogen, among others, to be automatically totaled, applied against user-defined cost centres, and related to production. For complete information go to A feature article on this subject will appear in the December issue of Canadian Mining Journal.