OTTAWA - The Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation (CEMF) has announced the funding of a new graduate engineering scholarship sponsored by INCO LIMITED and will be known as the Inco Limited Masters Scholarship in Engineering for women.
Inco, an original founding supporter of the Foundation, welcomes the opportunity to fund this new scholarship and continue its alliance with CEMF. "We're hopeful that this new scholarship will encourage more women to pursue their studies in engineering," said Scott Hand, chairman and CEO of Inco. "At Inco we're focused on trying to improve the gender diversity of our workforce, and we're very eager to see more women graduates who want to make careers in engineering."
"We have a long way to go since women make up only 10% of the 160,000 licensed engineers in Canada", says Dr. Suzelle Barrington, CEMF's president.
This new scholarship will be available for applicants beginning in the fall of 2005, with the first scholarship being awarded in the spring of 2006 at the Annual CEMF Scholarship Awards Luncheon, which presently takes place at the Canadian Council of Professional Engineer's annual meeting.
CEMF is very proud of this renewed partnership with Inco and is delighted that they will be able to add one new scholarship to the six scholarships that they currently award each year. Check the Foundation's website at later this year for complete application information.