ENVIRONMENT NEWS Environment Week 2004 Coming Up

OTTAWA The Government of Canada has set aside the week of May 30 to June 5 as Environment Week, and June 2 for Cl...
OTTAWA The Government of Canada has set aside the week of May 30 to June 5 as Environment Week, and June 2 for Clean Air Day. There are numerous ways to get involved.

The week is set aside to celebrate achievement and learn more about what Canadians can do for a healthier environment. Information on how your community can participate is available at the Environment Canada web site www.ec.gc.ca/e-week. Or go to www.CleanAirDay.com to find out how you can take part in Clean Air Day. Or join the friendly competition of the Commuter Challenge at www.CommuterChallenge.net and leave your car at home. There is also a One-Tonne Challenge at www.ClimateChange.gc.ca/onetonne to cut individual creation of greenhouse gases by 20%.

Remember that by thinking globally and acting locally we can all improve the air and water quality around us.


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