OTTAWA ENVIRONMENT CANADA has drafted a resolution to reduce sulphur levels in diesel fuel used for off-road haulage, rail and marine engines. The proposed measures were published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on Oct. 2, 2004 for a 60-day comment period. They are expected to become final in early 2005 and come into effect in 2007.
The Canadian regulations will match US requirements, namely a sulphur reduction from the current unregulated level to 500 parts per million by 2007 and 15 ppm by 2012. This is about a 99% reduction in eight years. The new restrictions match the next generation low-emission engines for off-road mining and other equipment, coming onto the market in model year 2006, which need low-sulphur diesel fuel.
The Canada Gazette may be read online at Click on Part I and then on Recent Issues to find the Oct. 2 publication. Search down until you come to "Proposed Regulations".