ENVIRONMENTAL WORKSHOP Mine Drainage Gets a Going-over May 26-27

SUDBURY The Ontario Mine Environmental Neutral Drainage (MEND) workshop on sludge management and treatment of wea...
SUDBURY The Ontario Mine Environmental Neutral Drainage (MEND) workshop on sludge management and treatment of weak acid or neutral pH drainage is slated for May 26-27, 2004, at Laurentian University. Participants will focus on the characterization of sludge, material handling, final disposal plans and operating costs. They will also consider the treatment of weak acid or neutral drainage fieldwork, practical constraints and operating costs. Presentations will cover both case histories and research topics.

Registration is limited to 180 persons at a cost of $150 each. Contact Gilles Tremblay of the MEND secretariat at gtrembla@nrcan.gc.ca or 613-992-0968. A block of rooms has been made available at the Travelodge Hotel (705-522-1100) at a reduced rate.


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