EXPLORATION NEWS Hearne Pipe Yields Diamonds for Mountain Province

The results of the 2002 bulk sample program are in, and they are promising for partners MOUNTAIN PROVINCE DIAMONDS,...



The results of the 2002 bulk sample program are in, and they are promising for partners MOUNTAIN PROVINCE DIAMONDS, of Vancouver, and its partner DE BEERS CANADA EXPLORATION, of Toronto. A total of 1,174 carats were recovered from the Hearne pipe, with the three largest diamonds weighing 8.7, 6.4 and 4.9 carats, reports Mountain Province.

The Hearne kimberlite pipe is one of five diamondiferous bodies in the cluster at Kennady Lake on the AK claims, located about 115 km southeast of the Ekati diamond mine in the Northwest Territories. The Hearne formation consists of two bodies: the 250-m north-south main body (north lobe) and the 100-m east-west second body (south lobe) immediately to the south. The two lobes have a resource of approximately 7.2 million tonnes, of which about 5.6 million tonnes has a modelled grade of 2.05 carats/tonne and 1.6 million tonnes with a modelled grade of 0.60 carat/tonne. The purpose of this year's sampling program was to increase confidence in grade, diamond size and distribution, and diamond value used for revenue modelling.

Details of the Mountain Province-De Beers Canada joint venture can be found at www.mountainprovince.com


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