BRAZIL YAMANA GOLD of Toronto has received the final feasibility study from HATCH ASSOCIATES for its Chapada gold project in Goias State. The bottom line is that an investment of US$177.9 million would be required for development.
Yamana want to develop an open pit mine and 40,000-45,000 tonnes/day mill. The processing flowsheet is based on a SAG-pebble circuit and conventional flotation. The Chapada project will produce 1.93 billion lb of payable copper and 1.32 million oz of recovered gold over 17 years. Annual production will be 172,000 tonnes of concentrate containing an average grade of 28% Cu and 20 g/t Au from a high-grade starter pit in the first five years.
Operating costs after gold credits are estimated to be US$0.27/lb of copper during the first five years. After that costs would rise to about US$0.51/lb of copper for the remaining mine life.
Details of the Chapada project as well as it reserves and resources are posted at