FLEET MANAGEMENT: Activity Dispatch from Wenco controls tie-downs automatically

RICHMOND, BC – Mines can now claw back even more wasted time thanks to the newest advancement in dispatching – Activity Dispatch from […]
Activity Dispatch is the last piece of the productivity puzzle.
RICHMOND, BC – Mines can now claw back even more wasted time thanks to the newest advancement in dispatching – Activity Dispatch from Wenco International Mining Systems. Activity Dispatch erases the unnecessary time spent on shift change, meal breaks, and other short pauses in production. It loads these scheduled delays into its shift plan, then sends trucks to tie down at the right place, at the right time, and only the right time. [caption id="attachment_1003715249" align="alignleft" width="300"]Activity Dispatch is the last piece of the productivity puzzle. Activity Dispatch is the last piece of the productivity puzzle.[/caption] Sometimes, delays take longer than they should. Breaks run over. Operators forget to badge in. Trucks park at awkward locations, even if better ones are available. When every stop takes a few minutes extra, it wastes hundreds of hours a year. Wenco’s new system makes this issue disappear by automating it, taking the pressure off overworked dispatchers. Breaks and tie-downs still happen, but they don’t take longer than necessary. Activity Dispatch removes bunching, too — a real problem on hectic sites. Rather than letting everyone stop at the same time, it staggers those breaks. Trucks keep flowing, shovels stay active, and production doesn’t grind to a standstill. These small but important gains grow in power when Activity Dispatch connects to the other Wenco dispatching services. Integrated with the optimized hauling of Dynamic Dispatch and optimized fueling of Fuel Dispatch, Wenco’s latest system gives sites a total dispatching solution. “It’s the last piece of the puzzle,” said David Noble, Wenco director of product development. “We’re now able to offer a complete solution that makes it so much easier on dispatchers. It’s really exciting.” To find out more about Activity Dispatch, contact a Wenco sales representative at sales@wencomine.com or 604-270-8277.


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