QUEBEC - Val d'Or-based NORTHERN STAR MINING says the headframe for the No.1 shaft has been delivered to the Midway gold project, 16 km west of Val d'Or. The shaft collar has been inspected and the foundations are complete for the headframe, which should be installed by mid-April. The company is in the midst of engineering the hoist installation.
The hoist and headframe were purchased from the Louvicourt mine, which had them installed at its No.2 shaft. The general equipment list includes a 35-m steel headframe with two 3-m-diam sheave wheels and skips; a Nordberg 3-m double-drum hoist with a 1,250-hp electric motor and related machinery; two Ingersoll-Rand XVHE compressors; a 5,000 kVA transformer and breaker; a 2,500-hp synchronous motor; and miscellaneous hardware and spare sets.
The No.1 shaft is the old production shaft used by former-owner MALARTIC GOLDFIELDS to mine to a depth of 885 m. Northern Star has drilled below this level and demonstrated that the mineralized zones are open both at depth and along strike.
Northern Star hopes its underground diamond drilling program will double the Midway resources. A summary of results is posted at