GOLD DEVELOPMENT NEWS Aurizon Wins Development of the Year Honours

QUEBEC, Quebec the QUEBEC MINERAL EXPLORATION ASSOCIATION has given its "Development of the Year" award...



QUEBEC, Quebec the QUEBEC MINERAL EXPLORATION ASSOCIATION has given its "Development of the Year" award for 2003 to AURIZON MINES of Vancouver. The honour recognizes Aurizon's work on the Casa Berardi project near La Sarre, Que.

"The receipt of this award is recognition of the commitment and achievements of our talented technical team at Casa Berardi, who have made significant progress in 2003 in advancing this project towards our ultimate objectivea production decision leading to the re-opening of the mine," said David Hall, Aurizon's CEO. "Our congratulations and appreciation is extended to each member of the team."

Aurizon is also pleased to report that it has begun underground definition drilling from the exploration drift at the 550-m level on Zone 113 in the Casa Berardi West mine. Up to three underground rigs should be active over the next five months. Results from the program, which will upgrade the quality of the ore reserve generated in 2000, should be available during the second quarter of 2004.

The first phase has been completed of the surface deep exploration diamond drill program, which focused on the extensions of Zone 113 and Zones 118 to 120 up to 1,500 m east of the proposed shaft. Final assay results are being compiled and will be released in early January 2004. Future infill drilling in this area will be performed more efficiently from the underground access. Aurizon has now moved its surface deep exploration program to the East Mine area, 4 km east of the current known resources to test deep extension potential. Two surface rigs should be active during 2004.

More detailed information on the Casa Berardi project is available at


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