ONTARIO - GOLD EAGLE MINES of Toronto has drilled a potential new area of mineralization below the Bruce Channel at its Gold Eagle property near Red Lake. Intersections were identified in the FN 1-1 and FN 1-2 holes in the Balmer Assemblage 450 m southwest of the Bruce Channel mineralization. This is a carbonate zone that bears striking similarities to the Bruce Channel envelope, according to the company.
The Bruce Channel discovery consists of a mineralized envelope estimated to extend at least 1,100 m vertically and 615 m x 450 m horizontally. Gold Eagle believes the envelope includes several high-grade structures and extensive gold-rich sulphide zones. The company says it has established mineralogical continuity between drill holes, and its confidence is growing that it may eventually map a multi-million-ounce deposit.
A map of the locations of the FN holes is available at www.GoldEagleMines.com/_bin/images/maps.cfm.