TIMMINS, Ont. The West Porcupine property, located 54 km southwest of this Northern Ontario city, is the target of a two-hole, 600-m program. Partners MAPLE MINERALS and CANADIAN GOLDEN DRAGON RESOURCES, both of Toronto, have been exploring the area since 1986. Drill core from the property in 1994 assayed 0.195 oz/ton Au over 39 ft, including 1.27 oz over 5 ft at a depth of 210 m. A hole drilled 150 m below the discovery hole yielded 0.6 oz over 6 ft, and another hole 400 m west intersected 0.6 oz over 4.1 ft. The two holes planned for this year will help determine the plunge of the system.
The host rocks are basalts and komatiitic volcanics with a large quartz eye porphyry. The zone sits on the Destor Porcupine Fault, in a geological setting similar to the famous Hollinger mine, according to Maple Minerals. For more information contact Maple's president, Gino Falzone, at 416-941-9600.