MANITOBA The Assean Lake gold project in north-central Manitoba is the target of a 4,500-m drill program this year. INTERNATIONAL CURATOR RESOURCES (60% and operator) and RARE EARTH METALS (40%) are partners in the venture. The holes will test areas outlined by geophysical and geochemical surveying done last summer. A pulse EM program has also been conducted.
The company describes the area as having sheer-hosted gold and gold-enriched sulphide iron formations. On the north shore of the lake, the Lindal gold vein was discovered in the 1930s. Rare Earth has been exploring the area for two years and discovered three new "blind" gold zones (Hunt, BIF and B-52). The mineralization has been traced over a 13-km strike length along the Assean Lake Shear Zone. Earlier this week Rare Earth announced it had struck deals to buy two claim blocks from Strider Resources, extending its holdings in both directions along strike.
John Roozendaal, president of Rare Earth, can be reached at 866-816-0118 or 604-682-5000. The re-launched web site is at