GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS New Zones Drilled at Casa Berardi

VAL D'OR, Quebec Four new gold zones have been intersected south of the Casa Berardi fault during the current dri...


VAL D'OR, Quebec Four new gold zones have been intersected south of the Casa Berardi fault during the current drill campaign by AURIZON MINES of Vancouver. The company hopes to reopen the former mine, operated by TVX Gold from 1988 to 1997 and before that by Inco Gold.

Aurizon says the four new mineralized zones are located, respectively, about 400 m and 200 m east of known zones 113 and 118. Drill core assays yielded 7 g/t Au over 10.9 m at a depth of 600 m and 6.1 g/t Au over 6.0 m at a depth of 1,000 m. More results from drilling at the project can be found at

The current $2-million deep drilling program is aimed at expanding resources and supports a decision to bring the property back into production. Aurizon has already outlined a reserve of 6.9 million tonnes at 6.7 g/t Au and a resource of 4.5 million tonnes at 7.7 g/t Au. Annual gold production would be in the neighbourhood of 200,000 oz per year.


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