GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS New Zones Found at Monument Bay

RED SUCKER LAKE, Manitoba Two new gold zones have been drilled at the Monument Bay project, report partners WOLFD...
RED SUCKER LAKE, Manitoba Two new gold zones have been drilled at the Monument Bay project, report partners WOLFDEN RESOURCES (30%) and BEMA GOLD (operator and 70% interest). Thirty holes or over 7,689 metres were completed between August and November 2003, and the results of the assays are in.

Two new mineralized shoots were discovered to the west of the Twin Lakes West zone, including intersections of 3.0 m grading 37.81 g/t Au in TL-03-161, 2.3 m grading 13.34 g/t Au in TL-03-171 and 10.71 g/t Auover 1 m in TL-03-165. The discovery
of these shoots shows that potential for significant new mineralization is excellent, say the partners. Furthermore, drilling to the east of the main Twin Lakes zone has encountered a mineralized vein grading 10.68 g/t Au over 0.3 m in TL-03-154. This is a significant new discovery as it shows that potential gold mineralization exists outside the current mineralized zones in the Twin Lakes area. The structure hosting the Twin Lakes gold zones and the newly-discovered mineralization extends for over 25 km across the property and much of this strike length has received limited exploration. A summary of significant new drill results are posted in the news releases at

Previous drilling at Monument Bay identified a high-grade inferred resource of 418,371 oz of gold. The average grade is 20.4 g/t Au.


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