GOLD EXPLORATION: Resourceful estimate

ONTARIO Here is an estimate that seems to me designed to attract interest by its huge size, 11.7 million. If that...



ONTARIO Here is an estimate that seems to me designed to attract interest by its huge size, 11.7 million. If that were a 43-101-compliant estimate of contained gold ounces, we would be jumping up and down to get in on the bonanza. Instead the 11.7 million refers to "cubic metres of gold zones", a phrase that is to my mind a less-than-perfect measurement.

Here is what PC GOLD of Ottawa said about the figure extrapolated from work done at the former Pickle Crow gold mine in northwest Ontario. "The 3D Gemcom model for the Shaft 1 area gold zones was drawn from level plans and will be refined as additional data becomes available The present version of the Shaft 1 area model incorporates data from 699 historical diamond drill holes, of which 129 were surface holes and 570 were drilled from underground. ... The Shaft 1 area gold zones encompass a minimum rock volume of 11.7 million cubic metres."

Sounds good, if a reader can figure out what it means. I want grade and tonnage. Contained ounces would be nice to know. I'm certain that PC Gold will release 43-101-compliant numbers as work continues.

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