QUEBEC - Since the beginning of the year, Toronto-based WESDOME GOLD MINES has been exploring its Kiena-Shawkey-Westdome property near Val d'Or. The company is drilling from the existing Kiena underground workings to reach the other claims. When the 2,000-tonnes/day Kiena mine closed in 2002, a measured and indicated resource estimate indicated that 3.01 million tonnes of ore grading 4.25 g/t Au remained in the ground.
Wesdome has completed seven holes at the project, and the best of them assayed 10.25 g/t Au over 2.0 metres. Five of the other holes graded in the 3.0-4.0 g/t Au range. The company says its drill results confirm that the mineralized horizon situated at the contact of the footwall basalt and the corridor is continuous for at least 110 metres of strike length and 100 metres vertically. Wesdome continues to evaluate the remaining mineralization that could be mined from the existing Kiena workings. There remain 95,000 tonnes grading 3.45 g/t Au that could be used to restart the mill.
While the company says none of the three properties could operate by itself, together they might be feasible. Acquiring the Kiena mine and mill at the end of 2003 is a move that will save millions in development costs should the project go ahead. More details are posted at