GOLD MINING NEWS Troilus Reserves Top 1 Million Ounces

CHIBOUGAMAU, Que. INMET MINING has made the happy announcement that reserves at its Troilus gold mine have almost...


CHIBOUGAMAU, Que. INMET MINING has made the happy announcement that reserves at its Troilus gold mine have almost doubled from previous estimates. The increase was made possible by significant operational improvements and additional infill drilling.

A new life-of-mine plan has been prepared based on 42.5 million tonnes grading 0.9 g/t Au, compared with the old plan based on 22.6 million tonnes at 0.9 g/t. The number of recoverable ounces now stands at 1.04 million, compared to 550,000 oz. Recoverable copper in the deposit is estimated to be 32,000 tonnes at 0.09% Cu, compared with 18,000 tonnes at 0.10%. The final year of production from the Troilus deposit has been pushed back four years to 2010.

Inmet operates the Ok Tedi copper-gold mine in Papua New Guinea, the Pyhsalmi copper-zinc mine in Finland, and the ayeli copper-zinc mine in Turkey as well as the Troilus mine. Information on all operations can be found at


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