HOT TOPIC: What price Fording?

Our Hot Topic this week concerns the price that Teck paid for control of Fording. By price, we are considering only...




Our Hot Topic this week concerns the price that Teck paid for control of Fording. By price, we are considering only the monetary value of the deal. Teck offered US$12.4 billion in July 2008 when the Canadian and U.S. dollars were almost at par. The original deal was worth C$12.5 billion. By the time the offer closed at the end of October 2008, the U.S. dollar was considerably stronger. That made the original US$12.4 billion worth C$14.6 billion.


So, CMJ is asking its readers, "Did Teck pay too much for Fording?"


To vote please go to and vote by clicking on the Hot Topic box on the right.


Last week we asked readers to indicate the level of spending their companies set aside for corporate social responsibility (CSR). We got nary a response … zip, nada, nothing. Presumably, everyone responsible for CSR is in the field doing the job and has no time to read everything that hits their inboxes.


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Oct 29 2024 - Oct 30 2024
Oct 29 2024 - Oct 30 2024