LAND USE AGREEMENT – Freeport, Newfoundland Reach Pact

NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR - In what may be a first in Canada, the boundary of a proposed park is being redrawn to per...




NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR - In what may be a first in Canada, the boundary of a proposed park is being redrawn to permit mining. At issue was the exploitation of the Hutton garnet-titanium beaches, which Vancouver's FREEPORT RESOURCES wants to develop, and the proposed Torngat Mountains national park. In return for surrendering about 140 mineral claims, Freeport received $400,000, and the boundary was redefined.

The area in question is an Arctic wilderness above the tree line on the Labrador Sea. The beaches in the bays have concentrated heavy minerals; for example the South Beach averages over 60% almandine garnet. Freeport believes there are resources enough to sustain a 20,000-tonne/year operation for over 20 years.

Freeport is now making logistical arrangements to take a bulk sample. Analytical work on samples taken last summer to further study mineral content and particle sizing is already underway, and will include work to determine whether titanium minerals add value as a byproduct. Previous assays indicated 4.12% TiO2 in a composite sample representing 860 metres along South Beach.

Freeport president Brenda Clark can be reached at 604-275-7335 or toll-free at 888-275-7335.


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