SOUTH AFRICA - An international consortium involving MINE RADIO SYSTEMS (AFRICA) has begun work on an integrated mine safety system that it says will significantly improve mine safety and increase productivity throughout the world. The consortium, which also includes POYNTING INNOVATIONS, a leading South African software specialist and CSIR MINING TECHNOLOGY, the premier mining technology and research organization in Africa, announced funding approval for the project from the Innovation Fund of South Africa.
The main components of the proposed system are an electronic miner's tag, which would be built into each miner's cap lamp battery, and the supporting software package. The new system will integrate three main functions, all designed to improve mine safety and ultimately, productivity. The advanced tagging system will be able to locate trapped or missing miners, to identify the last known position of a miner in case of an underground accident such as a fire or rock burst, and to communicate directly to miners, alerting them to evacuate the mine or to move to a safe area.
The mine safety system will have a high degree of flexibility built into it so that it can be adapted to any mining market, anywhere in the world. Mine Radio Systems Inc. through its African subsidiary, will have exclusive worldwide manufacturing and marketing rights once development of the prototype is completed in June 2006.
For more information contact: Ken Morrell, Mine Radio Systems (Africa) at (+2712) 379-9497 or