MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Denison, Osprey Gold, South Atlantic, Cornerstone, Dynasty Gold, Afcan, EuroZinc

DENISON MINES of Toronto announced the following appointments: Robert Dengler, president and CEO of Dynatec Corp. t...
DENISON MINES of Toronto announced the following appointments: Robert Dengler, president and CEO of Dynatec Corp. to the board of directors; Paul Little as chairman of Denison; and James Anderson as executive VP and CFO.

Toronto-based OSPREY GOLD has named Frank P. Puskas as the head of its geological survey team. A McMaster University and Lehigh University graduate, Puskas has 14 mineral deposits to his credit worldwide.

Bringing more than 25 years experience with him, Karl-Axel Waplan has been named executive VP of operations at SOUTH ATLANTIC VENTURES of Vancouver. South Atlantic is purchasing the Zingruvan zinc mine in Sweden from Rio Tinto plc.

CORNERSTONE CAPITAL RESOURCES of Mount Pearl, Nfld., has appointed Paul Moore its chief geologist. He will examine the Konrad nickel-copper project near Voisey's Bay.

Vancouver's DYNASTY GOLD CORP. has appointed Andrew Zeng as VP and general manager of its China operations. Zeng holds law degrees from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing and St. Louis University in Missouri.

Peter J. Hooper is now the COO and Amy Stephenson the CFO of AFCAN MINING CORP.

EUROZINC MINING CORP. has appointed two new members to its board. The first is Ronald Simkus who was recently president and CEO of the Antamina mine in Peru and before that president and general manager of the Highland Valley Copper operation in British Columbia. The second new board member is John Shanahan, whose expertise is in the sales and trading of commodities.


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