Effective May 1, 2005, Brian F. Kenny will be the new president of the Koniambo joint venture of Toronto-based FALCONBRIDGE and its partner SOCIETE MINIERE DU SUD PACIFIQUE. He was formerly president of Bechtel Canada/Bechtel Quebec. Kenny is a graduate of the University College in Dublin and holds a Master of Engineering from McGill University in Montreal. The Koniambo ferronickel project in New Caledonia will begin production in 2009 at the earliest.
Bob Buchan, retired president and CEO of Kinross Gold, has joined the board of Vancouver-based merchant banking group QUEST CAPITAL. In connection with his employment, Buchan has agreed to purchase 5 million shares in the capital of Quest at a price of $1.50/share.
FORTUNE MINERALS of London, Ontario, has invited James Excell to join its board of directors. Garett Macdonald has been hired as the company's engineering manager. Fortune has two feasibility studies on the go, one for the Mount Klappan anthracite coal project in British Columbia and the other for the NICO cobalt/gold/bismuth project in the Northwest Territories.