BRITISH COLUMBIA - The latest study of milling ores from Vancouver-based ADANAC MOLY CORP.'s Ruby Creek molybdenum deposit near Atlin, indicates power requirements of 13.7 kWh/tonne, approximately 43% lower than in previous studies (1969-71). The study contains suggestions for metallurgical process design, milling facilities and infrastructure. It was prepared by WARDROP ENGINEERING based on processing recommendations made by MINNOVEX TECHNOLOGIES, that conducted detailed crushing, grinding and flotation studies on core samples.
Besides substantial savings in power costs, the report predicts a final concentrate grade of 54% Mo. A recovery rate of 90% will be achieved through the use of two-stage regrinding and four-stage cleaning. Operating milling and infrastructure operating costs are put at $7.99/tonne. Estimated capital costs for processing and infrastructure facilities are $316.7 million, including a 20% contingency allowance. Detailed engineering could bring about further savings in operating costs and capital costs.
The Ruby Creek project is a proposed open pit molybdenum mine that would operate at 20,000 tonnes/day of ore for 20-plus years and have an overall footprint of approximately 830 hectares.
Details of the mineral processing study as well as separate mining and tailings dam studies done recently can be viewed at