NET NITS First Canadian Nickel Mine

Peter Tarassoff has sent information about Canada's first nickel mine, and he should know because he "wrote th...


Peter Tarassoff has sent information about Canada's first nickel mine, and he should know because he "wrote the book" on it. He tells us: "Canada's first nickel mine was in Orford Township, Que. It operated briefly from 1877-79, but because of the grade and nature of the ore, and metallurgical problems, no nickel was ever produced. The Orford Nickel and Copper Company eventually morphed into the Orford Copper Company, which in turn merged with the Canadian Copper Company to form today's Inco." As a reference he suggests "The Orford nickel mine, Quebec, Canada" which appeared in The Mineralogical Record, vol. 25, pp 327-345, authored by P. Tarassoff and R.A. Gault (1994).


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