Further to the item that appeared last week concerning Titanium Corp.'s tests for heavy metals in oil sands tailings, Velasquez Spring, a senior geologist at Watts, Griffis & McQuat, notes:
"Many deposits with high percentages of heavy minerals are not of economic interest; it is the percentages of economic minerals of the heavy minerals that is of interest."
May we add that CMJ has received another press release from Titanium Corp. outlining the mineralogical analysis of its samples. The minerals making up the total heavy mineral fraction (over 30% THM) are ilmenite (25.3%), leucoxene (30.7), rutile (2.3%), anatase (1.6%), zircon (6.4%), garnet (3.0%), magnetite (0.4%), kyanite (7.5%), tourmaline (13.2%), pyrite (4.9%), siderite (3.3%), and other heavy metals (1.5%). More information about the company and its plans can be found at www.titaniumcorp.com.