I have been taken to task for last week's mention of an unsolicited e-mail asking for my detailed banking information.
Nicole Neuman of Synergy Engineering wrote: "I read your on-line version regularly and am disappointed that you circulated this. I, too, have received similar e-mails from known senders. However, I do not think it is appropriate to single out the sender without determining whether or not it actually came from them by mistake or otherwise. A virus or hacker can use any sender's name."
And from Don King of Atlas Copco came this response: "I appreciate your intent with this article, however in this case it was unfounded. [The sender of the e-mail] is extremely distraught by your article as it has embarrassed Atlas Copco on a global scale."
Mea culpa. I will eat my helping of crow, feathers and all.
I did respond to the original e-mail indicating that I thought it had been sent to me in error (it was a genuine mistake), but did not receive any further communication. I believe it is important to remain on guard for spam, scams and other misuses of the Internet. My intent was to remind readers to be alert. I agree that I goofed in using the supplier's name and will not do so again should a similar event occur.
I apologize again to Atlas Copco.