NET NITS Reader Impatient with Cyberspace

From one of our devoted readers, Jim Pickell of cyberspace, comes the comment that although he enjoys getting our w...


From one of our devoted readers, Jim Pickell of cyberspace, comes the comment that although he enjoys getting our weekly newsletter, "At Your Personal Request", he is frustrated by the long load times for the pages. He is unhappily frustrated to the point of asking that his name be removed from the subscription list.

Sorry, Mr. Pickell. We all experience slow page loading on our computers from time to time.

We turned the problem over to our IT people. This is their suggestion: "For those who have slow dial-up connections and don't want to wait so long for an e-mail message to download, the solution is to order the text-only version of the newsletter. The e-mail message will then load much faster. Readers can request the text-only version by clicking on the "My Profile" button on the navigation bar within the newsletter and changing the setting to "text-only" rather than "html".

We hope this information is useful to Mr. Pickell and other readers, and that we may soon count him again among our audience.


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