NET NITS – Tell Us More about Stewart, BC

It seems news from the Stewart, B.C., area has only whetted the appetites of some Net News readers. Dwayne Diehl wr...
It seems news from the Stewart, B.C., area has only whetted the appetites of some Net News readers. Dwayne Diehl writes: "While you did mention the activities of some juniors in the area, I did not see any mention regarding the recent acquisition of the Granduc mine itself by Bell Resources. My understanding was that the Granduc played a significant part of the history of Stewart, B.C. Do you have any information regarding the Granduc mine and a move-forward plan with the current owners?"

You're right, Dwayne. The Granduc copper mine was an important part of the Stewart story. It produced over 419 million lb of copper from 1971 to 1984. In November 2004, Bell Resources announced it would purchase 100% of the property for cash and shares totalling $284,000. Other than to say Granduc is the focus of the company's "near-term resources", no new activity has been reported. Detailed information about the project is posted at

Michael Pahkala asked about purchasing a copy of "Prospectors, Promoters and Hard Rock Miners". For his information and for others who may be interested, the book is available online at for $25 plus shipping and taxes. Contact information is also posted.


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