NET NITS Those Pesky Decimal Points

Last week we published nickel production figures provided by Natural Resources Canada. It turns out the tables from...


Last week we published nickel production figures provided by Natural Resources Canada. It turns out the tables from which the figures were taken, mistakenly listed the amounts as "thousands", but that reference was incorrect. Our contact Bill McCutheon explained: "A while back, I emailed out, either directly or in response to an advertized request, nickel statistics for production of recoverable nickel shipments from Canadian sources. Please be advised that I made an ERRORthe data heading says in "thousands" but it is not. The data on the sheets was in tonnes and when I switched from the reported kilograms, I forgot to change the heading. I will correct the table and send it out soon. Sorry for the inconvenience...and if what 'they' say is true, that confession is good for the soul, then I should feel really great.

"The error was unfortunately propagated in the Canadian Mining Journal who quite correctly reported what I gave to them. Apologies to CMJ."


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