NET NITS – Warning!

Last week my inbox received a request for my banking information. The frightening thing was that it came over the A...


Last week my inbox received a request for my banking information. The frightening thing was that it came over the ATLAS COPCO name. Someone identifying him/herself as "Giovannina Mendex Aberg" referenced an invoice number that needed payment and requested all the details about my account at a Canadian bank.

As fond as I am of Atlas Copco rock drills and services, I hadn't order any. I did return an e-mail advising the sender of the situation. I thought it might be a genuine mistake since I had been to the company's website a few days earlier.

If this is something more sinister such as a hacker using the Atlas Copco name to make an Internet scam look legitimate, my advice is DON'T FALL FOR IT!

If this is a genuine mistake, I ask Atlas Copco to forgive me if I cause any concern among its satisfied and loyal customers.


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